Wednesday 16 October 2024

Zhangjiajie, China

 私人订制高端精品纯玩团-张家界-凤凰 5 天 4 晚

10.26:抵达张家界接站。打卡 72 奇楼;住武陵源区

17:00-19:00 打卡 72 奇楼。【七十二奇楼】是一幢 109 米高的洞天吊脚楼。2019 年成功申报吉尼斯世界纪录——全世界最高的吊脚楼形态建筑。


19:00-19:40 抵达武陵源区酒店入住休息。


UNESCO World Heritage Site 1992.

8:00-8:40 乘车前去张家界玻璃桥大峡谷。

8:40-12:30 游览大峡谷玻璃桥。【大峡谷玻璃桥】为一座大型山谷悬索桥,因其创下多项玻璃桥的世界记录而闻名中外,是“世界最高人行桥”。主要的景观为喀斯特峡谷,为新构造运动和河流强烈下切山体断裂而成。景区内有高空滑索、蹦极等多项体验项目可选择。

12:30-14:20 乘车到景区附近享用午餐(景区外自理)

14:20-18:40 游览【天门山国家森林公园】游览黄渤、徐峥主演的电影《心花怒放》拍摄地之一的天门山国家森林公园(游览时间 4 小时,)乘坐“高山客运索道,索道全长 7455 米,海拔 1279 米,体验腾云飞翔的刺激震撼,登张家界云梦仙顶,俯瞰张家界全景,观赏奇妙美丽的盆景花园,游览盆景石区、登云梦仙顶.山体孤峰高耸,气势临空独尊,世界翼装飞侠杰布•科里斯的惊天挑战也曾在此举行。还有惊险刺激的悬空【玻璃栈道】挑战你的高空极限,历史文化积淀深厚的天门山,一直被当地人民奉为神山,圣山,更被誉为“湘西第一神山”和“武陵之魂” 的美誉。

18:40-20:00 乘车到天门山下附近享用晚餐(景区外自理)。

20:20-22:20 观看天门狐仙表演(门票自理)。


08:00-08:10 乘车前往武陵源门票站游览【张家界国家森林公园】,乘景区环保客运车,约 15 分钟抵达百龙电梯下站。

8:10-11:50 游览【袁家界】,零距离接触《阿凡达》中悬浮山外景拍摄地“哈利路亚山”原型“乾坤柱”,探寻电影《阿凡达》中群山漂浮、星罗棋布的玄幻莫测世界,主要景点有:天下第一桥、迷魂台、后花园、九天玄梯、八卦图、猿人望月、拜仙台等景点

11:50-12:20 天下第一桥乘坐景区内环保车前往天子山。

12:30-13:30 自理午餐(山顶有小吃一条街,可选择山顶午餐也可自带零食或山顶麦当劳等)。

13:30-15:30 参观游览【天子山】,沿途可欣赏张家界的精华景点御笔峰,仙女献花,西海石林,贺龙公园等精华景点。

16:00-17:20【十里画廊】景区位于索溪峪景区,是该景区内的旅游精华,在这条长达十余里的山谷两侧,有着丰富的自然景观,人行其间如在画中。沟旁黛峰屏列,山上的岩石形成了 200 来尊似人似物、似鸟似兽的石景造型、其中“孔雀开屏”、“采药老人”、“寿星迎宾”、“猛虎啸天”等景点。

17:20-17:40 换乘景区环保车出景区。


8:30-10:30 出发前往芙蓉镇。

10:30-12:30 抵达芙蓉镇游览。用餐后前往芙蓉镇,游览挂在崖壁和瀑布上的千年古镇【芙蓉镇】游览帝王之村落,此处曾经是土司王休闲度假之地,保存完好的土司王行宫亭楼别苑,真正体会帝王之行,1986 年因电影晚《芙蓉镇》的拍摄王村得其美称“芙蓉镇”

12:30-13:30 芙蓉镇景区外享用午餐(景区外自理)。

13:30-15:30 出发前往凤凰古城。

15:30 抵达凤凰后,【沱江夜游泛舟】自行漫步沱江,燃放许愿灯, 或约上三五好友前往沱江边上酒吧畅饮当地胡子酒,品味独特的苗疆风情,一切烦恼都会随风而去。 您可自行前往欣赏凤凰夜景,霓虹灯竞相绽放,将沱江两岸的吊脚楼映射得别具一番风味。 夜景欣赏醉佳地点推荐:

10.30 酒店出发--前往凤凰古城日游;送凤凰高铁站

08:00-08:30 酒店内享用早餐。

08:30-11:00 游览曾被新西兰作家路易艾黎称赞为中国美丽的小城【凤凰古城】,走在古老的悠长的红石板街上.您会看到有叫人馋涎欲滴的小吃叫不出名的土特产,让人惊叹的苗家老人的剪纸、葫芦丝等,尝尝当地的特色小吃,会令你食欲顿生,一尝难忘; 再随着姜糖飘来的方向漫步于民俗一条街,你会发现街边小店里西兰卡普,各式各样的银器等工艺品琳琅满目,除此之外,您可以在闲暇之余,走走沱江的“跳岩”、明清风格的小石板街,让您感受真正悠闲的凤凰古城之行!

11:00-12:00 送凤凰古城高铁站

Sunday 9 June 2024

China. Chengdu. 2024

China has 55 UNESCO World Heritage sites, ranking first in the world. Among these 55 sites, there are five sites located in Sichuan, including 
1. Jiuzhaigou Valley, 
2. Huanglong National Park, 
3. Mount Emei Scenic Area (including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area), 
4. Qingcheng Mountain (together with Dujiangyan Irragation System) as well as 
5. Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries (Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains).

09Jun24 [Day 1]
Arrived SQ842 1235-1720 Sin-Chengdu
Dinner at ShunXin ancient teahouse (authentic Sichuan snacks)
Went shopping at Chengdu SKP Shopping Centre

10Jun24 [Day 2]
1030-1211 C6376 high speed train to 镇江关
Check into Hilton Hotel
Local Tibetan traditional show

11Jun24 [Day 3]
JiuZhaiGou Valley 
UNESCO World Heritage Site 1992
五花海, 镜海, 长海, 五彩池
熊猫海, 箭竹海, 珍珠滩
犀牛海, 老虎海, 火花海, 双龙海

12Jun24 [Day 4]
Huanglong National Park
UNESCO World Natural Heritage 1992
0730 depart Hilton Hotel
1000 ascend up Mt Huanglong by cable car and descend by foot. Total of 10km 
1330 Reach base and had lunch
1730 Train ride back to Chengdu

13June24 [Day 5]
Chengdu Panda Museum
Ferry ride to admire Lingyun Leshan Big Buddha

14June24 [Day6]
0830 Depart for Golden peak of Mt Emei
1900 Watched 只有峨眉山 show
Bought 青山露水茶, 
五珍堂-张林 [四川省-乐山市-峨眉山市-云海南路18-20号]

15June24 [Day7]
IFC shopping Centre & 太古里
Jinli ancient street 锦里古街
Kuanzai street

16June24 [Day8]
0830 - ChunXiu street shopping
1200 - Jinli ancient street
1500 - stroll to LanGuiFang Chengdu bar street.
1830 - Anshun Bridge (Chinese: 安顺桥), is located beside Hejiang Pavilion along Funan River (Jin River). The Anshun bridge has a long history. and the original building can be traced back to 1746 (the Yuan Dynasty). During Marco Polo's travel to China, Anshun Langqiao is one of the four bridges that has impressed him deeply. The bridge had been ravaged by the flood for several times and got reconstructed in 2003 as the replacement of the old one built in the 1980s. 
1930 - Watched Chengdu show at 百家班剧院.
2030 - snacks at 808 Live House to enjoy some live band.
2300 - stroll along Dongmen wharf back to hotel.

17June [Day9]
0830 Went to People's Park, had tea at the century old (1923) Heming Tea House.
0930 Stroll to Wang Ping street (望平街), visited the internet celebrity cave bookstore. 
1100 Back to ChunXiu shopping street before heading back to hotel.
1400 Check out and head to airport.
1625 Chendu-Sin SQ843 eta 2330h.

ZheJiang Huduoshan
JiangXi Jiuhuanshan

Saturday 14 October 2023

Seoul, Korea 2023

Stayed at FraserPlace Namdaemum Seoul Hotel, overlook Sungnyemun Gate. Walk to Myeongdong Shopping Street for long stretch of street food and shops line up both sides.

Dongmyo Flea Market was a joy but need time for amazing deal. Bought 3 trekking pants for 24,000Kr (S$24), 2 with original tag still on.

Hongdae shopping street was another favourite location with music, food and great purchases! Found this Tokyo used shop and manage to squeeze 7 Polo into a paper bag for 33,000Kr (S$33)! 2x Burberry, 1x Boss, etc. What a lucky day.

Namdaemum market just across the hotel but more towards small items and distribution centre. Ladies love them to pick up basic accessories.

Gwangjang market is just a food market. A stop to try local food at reasonable price.

Goto Mall enough to stay there for a whole day, for ladies. Nothing for men though.

Baegundae, Bukhansan 

Ascend from to West side Bukhansanseong Fortress and descend by the Eastern bukhansan Ui. Able to take taxi down to Ui station for $3/pax


Sunday 22 January 2023

Japan Tokyo, Osaka 2022

 02 - 10 December 2022

*4Dec* - we take cruise  to Asakusa area , walk around temple and eat Gyukaku Yakiniku lunch.

After lunch walk or take train to Tokyo Skytree . Walk is 25min, train is one stop only.

*5Dec* - take train to Tsukiji market , eat brunch/lunch along the outer market 

-walk to Ginza area

- take train to 1) Tokyo station 

  Visit imperial palace ? 

   Or 2) go Shibuya 

*6Dec*- early morning by bus to Hakone

-should be having lunch at highway stop

-Mt Fuji 5th stain 

-Lake Ashi pirate cruise

-Hakone shrine Tori gate

-Owakudani black egg

*7Dec*  - after breakfast check out and leave luggage at hotel.

-go Odaiba ( nearby Tokyo Bay Area)

After lunch/Evening -we bring luggage to go take Bullet train to go Kyoto(2 1/2hr)

*8Dec* - 9am booked one day Kyoto tour 

Night- take bullet train return to Tokyo 

*9Dec* - take train to *Kawagoe* (1-1/2hr) 

 After lunch back to Ikebukuro

Saturday 1 February 2020


Been to a few wonders of the world and looking forward to be back again.

Yushan Front Peak (3239m)
Xinyi, Nantou, Taiwan
 27 Sep 2024

Fansipan (3143m)
Sapa, Vietnam
 09 Aug 2024

Gunung Belumut (1010m)
Kluang, Johor, Malysia
 27 Jul 2024

Golden Peak of Mount Emei (3077m)
Sichuan Province, China
 14 June 2024
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1992)

Leshan Giant Buddha
Sichuan Province, China
 13 June 2024
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1992)

五彩池, Mt Huanglong (3580m)
Sichuan Province, China
 12 June 2024
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1992)

Mt JiuZhaiGou (3050m)
Sichuan Province, China
 11 June 2024
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1992)

Gunung Angsi (825m)
Seremban, Malaysia
 27 April 2024

Zhuhai Opera House
Zhuhai, China
 12 April 2024

Ba Na Hill - Golden Bridge
Hoi An / Danang, Vietnam
 22 Mar 2024

Doi Inthanon (2565m)
Chiangmai, Thailand
 20 Jan 2024

Tai Mo Shan, Mt Ophir 957m (3147 feet)
Hong Kong, China
 10 November 2023

Gunung Ledang, Mt Ophir 
1276m (4186 feet)
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
 28 October 2023

Baegundae Peak, Bukhansan 
837m (2744 feet)
Seoul, Korea
 10 October 2023

Golden Stupas Penang Hill 833m (2733 feet)
Penang Island, Malaysia
 19 August 2023

Victoria Peak Garden 554m (1817 feet)
Hong Kong, China
 12 August 2023

Lantau Peak 934m (3064 feet)
Hong Kong, China
 11 June 2023

Kiyomizudera Temple
Kyoto, Japan
 08 Dec 2022
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1987)

Kinkaku-ji Temple
Kyoto, Japan
 08 Dec 2022
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1987)

Mutianyu Great Wall
Beijing, China
 23 Dec 2019
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1987)

Hukou Waterfall
Linfen, Shanxi Province, China
 20 Dec 2019

Mount Wutai
Shanxi Province, China
 17 Dec 2019
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1997)

Pinyao Ancient City
Jinzhong, Shanxi Province, China
 18 Dec 2019
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1997)

Hanging Temple
Datong City, Shanxi Province, China
 16 Dec 2019

YunGang Grottoes
Datong City, Shanxi Province, China
 16 Dec 2019
(UNESCO World Heritage site 2001)

Dubai Desert Safari
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
 18 Dec 2018

Burj Khalifa
Tallest building @ 828m (2717ft)
 17 Dec 2018

Dubai Frame
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
 17 Dec 2018
Burj Al Arab @ Jumeriah Public Beach
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
 17 Dec 2018

Khor Dubai (Dubai Creek)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
 17 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage site 2012)

Kalverstraat Shopping Street
Amsterdam, Holland
 16 Dec 2018

North Amsterdam
 15 Dec 2018

17th Century Amsterdam Canal Ring Cruise
Amsterdam, Holland
 14 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage site 2010)

Zaanse Schans 
North Holland 
 13 Dec 2018

Belfries of Bruges 
 12 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1999)

La Grand-Place 
 12 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1998)

Cathedral of Notre-Dame 
Paris, France 
 11 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1991)

Arc de Triomphe and Champ-Elysees 
Paris, France 
 11 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1991)

Lourve Museum
Paris, France 
 11 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage site 1991)

Seine River Cruise, Eiffel Tower 
Paris, France 
 11 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage 1991)

Windsor castle 
Berkshire, UK 
 10 Dec 2018
(The Queen was in the castle when we visited!!)

Wiltshire, UK 
 10 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage 1986)

1229 Abbey, Lacock Village 
Chippenham, North Wiltshire, UK 
 10 Dec 2018

Tower Bridge 
London, UK 
 09 Dec 2018

Palace of West Minister and West Minister Abbey 
London, UK 
 09 Dec 2018
(UNESCO World Heritage 1987)

View from #43 historical Gassho-style Minshuku
Shirakawago, Gifu, Japan
10-18 Dec 2017
(UNESCO World Heritage 1995)

Mount Fuji
3776m, West Tokyo, Japan
10-18 Dec 2017
(UNESCO World Heritage 2013)

Oshino Hakkai Village
Ymanashi prefecture, Japan
10-18 Dec 2017
(UNESCO World Heritage 2014)

Flying Cow Ranch
MiaoLi County, Taiwan
06-13Dec 2016

5 Wonders of Alishan, ZhuShan Observatory Deck
2489m (8,166 feet)
Jiayi, Taiwan
Dec 2015

Up close with Geminid Metoer Shower Mt AliShan
Jiayi, Taiwan 
Dec 2015

Ming XiaoLing Mausoluem, Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
May 2015
(UNESCO World Heritage 2000)

How can we forget our adventures with Laura Croft at Angkor Wat
Krong Siam Reap, Cambodia
07-Dec 2014
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Swayambhunath Stupha or Monkey Temple
Kathmandu, Nepal
Aug 2014
(UNESCO World Heritage)

We cycled 14km around the Xi'An Walls
ShaanXi, China
Dec 2013
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Masoleum of the First Qin Emperor
Xi'An, China
30Nov-06Dec 2013
(UNESCO World Heritage 1987)

Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden
Beijing, China
30Nov-06Dec 2013
(UNESCO World Heritage 1998)

Great Wall slide at MuTianYu
Beijing, China
30Nov-06Dec 2013
(Ancient Wonders of the World 1987)

We cruised, canoed and dived into the waters of Halong Bay
Hanoi, Vietnam
June 2013
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Queen's head, Yehliu Geopark 
Round Island Taiwan tour
15-20Dec 2012

Feeling blessed at Tian Tan Buddha on Lantau Island 
Hong Kong
Oct 2012
(UNESCO World Heritage - Global Geopark)

Sunlight Rock, Gulangyu Island 
Xiamen, China
May 2012
(UNESCO World Heritage 2017)

XiaMei Ancient Village 
Mt Wuyi City, China
May 2012

Nine Bend River bamboo cruise at 
Mt Wuyi, China
May 2012
(UNESCO World Heritage 1999)

Xiamen, Fujian Tulou
Xiamen, China
May 2012
(UNESCO World Heritage 2008)

I was right on top of the Sunrise Peak
Jeju Island, Korea
6-13Dec 2011
(UNESCO World Heritage - Global Geopark)

Chao Phraya River
Bangkok, Thailand
03-06June 2011
(UNESCO World Heritage - Application)

The Majestic Grand Canyon National Park
Arizona, USA
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Star Cruise to Chalong Temple
Phuket Town, Thailand
Dec 2009
(UNESCO City of Gastronomy)

Star Cruise to Old George Town Street
Penang, Malaysia
Dec 2009
(UNESCO Heritage City)

Slow paddle along 1,700 years old ZhuJiaJiao Water Town
West Shanghai, China
Nov 2009
(UNESCO World Heritage - Global Geopark)

The Ruins of St Paul's
Dec 2008
(UNESCO World Heritage 2005)

Cruised around Sydney Opera House
Sydney, Australia
Nov 2008
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Galle Fort Hotel since 1864
Colombo, Sri Lanka
July 2008
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Conquered Mt TaiShan under 4 hours
Elevation of 1545m (5069 feet), 7200 steps
Shandong, China
13 May 2008
(UNESCO World Heritage 1987)

Everything is gold at Empire Hotel and Country Club
Brunei Darussalam
Apr 2007

Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea
March 2006

Hong Kong Disneyland
27-30Jan 2006

Temple and Cemetry of Confucius and the Kong family Mansion
Qufu, China
28 April 2005
(UNESCO World Heritage 1994)

Venice and its Lagoon
Veneto Region, Italy
Sep 2003
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Town of Luang Prabang, 
ancient capital
 June 2002 
(UNESCO World Heritage)

Nambung National Park 
Perth, Western Australia
Dec 2001

Stayed in a hotel boat along the Canals of Amsterdam
June 2001
(UNESCO World Heritage )

Bund 18
Shanghai, China
March 2001
(UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage 2006)

We cruise along the Nile River to catch the Mummies
Cairo, Egypt
21-30Sep 2000
(Ancient Wonders of the World)
Temple of Heaven: an imperial Sacrificial Altar
19-24Dec 1999
(UNESCO World Heritage 1998)

Forbidden City
19-24Dec 1999
(UNESCO World Heritage)

-30 degrees City of Ice where Ice Cream is warm
Harbin, HeiLongJiang, China
19-24Dec 1999
(UNESCO City of Music)

 We patrolled the Great Wall of China
BaDaLing, BeiJing, China
19-24Dec 1999
(Ancient Wonders of the World 1987)

Tokyo Bay Yakatabune dinner cruise
hosted by Juki Corp
Tokyo, Japan
Nov 1999

Pattaya City & Bangkok
31 Dec 1998

Biosphare Entlebuchhe
(UNESCO World Heritage)

The Peak
Hong Kong, PRC

Tower Bridge
London, UK 
 06 Dec 1995

The Palace of Westminister and London Bridge
London, UK 
 06 Dec 1995
(UNESCO World Heritage 1987)

Scaled the peak of Mt Uzturre in Gipuzkoa
730m (2395 feet)
Tolosa, Spain 
Nov 1995

San Sabestian aka Donostia 
Basque Community, Spain
July 1995

Rottnest Island
Perth, Australia
May 1995

Death Railway, Bridge over River Kwai
Kanchanaburi, Uthai Thani Province, Thailand
March 1995
(UNESCO World Heritage - application)

Melaka and George Town 
(UNESCO World Heritage)

There are a total of 1073 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world (as of January 2018: 832 Cultural, 206 Natural and 35 Mixed).

1. Egytian Pyramids  (Ancient Wonders of the World)
2. Great Wall of China (Ancient Wonders of the World)
3. Xi'An Terracotta Army and cycling on top of the City Walls! (UNESCO World Heritage)
4. Cambodia Angkor Wat (UNESCO World Heritage)
5. Vietnam Ha Long Bay (UNESCO World Heritage)
6. Xiamen Tulou. (UNESCO World Heritage)
7. Mount Wuyi, (UNESCO World Heritage)
    - Da Hong Pao tea
    - "Impression DaHongPao" show by Zhang YiMou
8. Mount Tai Shan, Shandong, China (UNESCO World Heritage)
9. Grand Canyon (Natural Wonders of the World)
10. Jeju Island Sunrise Peak (UNESCO Global Geoparks)
11. Geminid meteor shower in Taiwan on 13th December 2015
12. Stay in Japan, Shirakawago Ogi-machi Gassho Style Village  (UNESCO World Heritage) 
13. UK, Palace of West Minister and West Minister Abbey (UNESCO World Heritage)
14. Stonehenge (UNESCO World Heritage)
15. Paris, Eiffel Tower (UNESCO World Heritage)
16. Paris, Lourve Museum (UNESCO World Heritage)
17. Paris, Arc de Triomphe (UNESCO World Heritage)
18. Paris, Notre-Dame (Unesco World Heritage)
19. Belgium, La Grand-Place (UNESCO World Heritage)
20. Belgium, Belfry of Bruges (UNESCO World Heritage)
21. Holland, Amsterdam Canal Ring Cruise (UNESCO World Heritage)
22. UAE, Dubai Creek Cruise (UNESCO World Heritage)
23. Yungang Grotto
24. Hanging Temple
25. Mt Wutai
26. Pinyao Ancient Town
27. Jiuzhaigou Valley
28. Huanglong National Park
29. Mt Emei & Leshan Giant Buddha

Zhangjiajie, China

 私人订制高端精品纯玩团-张家界-凤凰 5 天 4 晚 10.26 :抵达张家界接站。打卡 72 奇楼;住武陵源区 17:00-19:00 打卡 72 奇楼。【七十二奇楼】是一幢 109 米高的洞天吊脚楼。2019 年成功申报吉尼斯世界纪录——全世界最高的吊脚楼形态建筑。 七十二...