Saturday 20 December 1997

Ah Pa

Ah Pa, Bye Bye.....
I use to call out to you every morning from our old house balcony at Kallang airport.
I will wait at the same balcony every evening to look out for you to come back each day.
I will open the door for you and you will give me 5 cents, I will show you how much I've saved in my piggy bank.
We will eat simple when we run out of money. Salted egg, kana seed and fu-ru with porridge. I will be there with you.
You will dote on me and buy me Mee Goreng for supper when we have enough money.

We went from Toa-Payoh to Kallang Airport rented flats. Hougang was fine but I missed Kallang most.

I still remember my toddler days vividly when my my butt itch and you catch worms out of it. I still hope its a bad joke.

We rear fish together and I am your cleaner handyman.

You will catch birds or pick up young birds and we will see what specie they will grow up into.

Fishing, kite flying, you taught me childhood was fun with you.

It will never be the same again.

[2018 addition] Its been a year since you have gone. It still hurt whenever I think of you.

Thanks for appearing in my dream dressed up. It felt great to be back at Kallang again.

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